Differences in performance between closed cooling towers and open cooling towers

Differences in performance between closed cooling towers and open cooling towers

The performance differences between closed cooling towers and open cooling towers are as follows:

  1. Cooling efficiency: Since the cooling medium is isolated from the external environment, the closed cooling tower has relatively good heat dissipation effect and can achieve higher cooling efficiency. However, the heat dissipation effect of open cooling towers is relatively poor because the heat dissipation medium is directly exposed to the atmosphere.
  2. Water resource utilization: Closed cooling towers relatively save water resources because they recycle cooling water. The cooling water of the open cooling tower will cause a certain waste of water resources due to evaporation and pollution emissions.
  3. Anti-pollution ability: Since the cooling medium is isolated from the external environment, the closed cooling tower has good anti-pollution ability. Open cooling towers are easily affected by external pollutants because the cooling medium is directly exposed to the atmosphere.
  4. Maintenance costs: Closed cooling towers have relatively low maintenance costs due to their high water resource utilization and strong anti-pollution capabilities. Open cooling towers have higher maintenance costs due to the evaporation loss of cooling water and large pollution emissions.

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